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May 27, 2020
events & meet us
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Our next events

Join us in the following web conferences

A lot of conferences were canceled during the last month. We always like to meet all of you in person so we can talk to you directly and get your first hand feedback. Since this is not possible right now, you can join us in one of the following web conferences we put together with our partners to hear the latest about teamWorkr.

16.06.2020 "Wie Sie Outlook und Domino clever verbinden“ - acceptIT (German)

If your company runs Domino applications and uses MS Outlook for mailing instead of Notes, there is a hurdle in processing and storing mails in the application databases. In this webinar you will learn how to overcome this hurdle with the teamWorkr Outlook Plugin.

How easy it can be to bring these both worlds together will be shown to you by Andreas Sauer (stanoc GmbH) and Thilo Volprich (Team Technology GmbH), which created this solution in a joint venture of both companies.

Register here

18.06.2020 "Mobilisierung und Modernisierung von HCL Domino Anwendungen mit teamWorkr" - CoMo Solution (German)

In the agile and mobile working environment in companies, access to business applications and data is an essential component. The data and applications make a valuable contribution not only in the office, but also in mobile use at the customer's premises, in sales talks on site or in exchanges with colleagues or external partners.

As an introduction we will show you how easy it can be to modernize an existing Domino application. We will also dive into the latest features of teamWorkr such as Progressive Web App (PWA), View sorting, Exporting views, etc.

Register here

We are already planning additional web conferences also in other languages. Stay tuned for more announcements here and on Twitter @ttteamworkr.

We are looking forward to talk to you soon!!!
