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April 8, 2020
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teamWorkr 3.3.0

Release Notes

It took some time to get this new release to you. But here it is: teamWorkr 3.3.0

We have been working on many extensions for teamWorkr in the past weeks. Due to incompatibilities between the browsers, various problems have occurred in our quality assurance. Therefore we have made the decision to publish smaller subsets of functional enhancements in individual templates. We will continuously release new functions in individual versions in the coming weeks to make up for the four month. Please check back here regularly!

Go get the new template and play around with it. We certainly would like to hear if you like them (or not). As always you can download the new template via our Self-Service Portal. (Psst: Our One4Ever offer is still available here)

Have fun with the new version and let us know what you think about the new release via @TTteamWorkr

Release Notes

What's new:

  • Using the browser back functionality or previous step in the breadcrumb navigation you can now jump back to search results from where the document was opened from
  • Using the browser back functionality or previous step in the breadcrumb navigation you can now jump back to opened view categories from where the document was opened


  • PWA (Progressive Web App): Corrected access control for downloading manifest file for progressive web app
  • Added icons with different sizes for PWAs
  • The configuration of forms in teamWorkr is now easier and wider for a better overview
  • Requesting a new license key is now possible without using Notes as mail client

We squashed some bugs:

  • System i only: Attachment with non-ANSII characters can now be opened from a browser
  • Adjustment of function "updateConfig". In certain cases the application path and server in a container wasn't always saved
  • PINs can now also be deleted from PIN-HistoryteamWorkr Mobile version only: Corrected usage of Actions utilizing globalSuccessTitle and globalSuccessMessage
  • Documents are now closed after processing the action
